Placemarketing & Placebranding

Van wikipedia komt de volgende omschrijving:

Place branding (also known as destination branding, place marketing or place promotion) is a relatively new umbrella term encompassing nation branding, region branding and city branding.

The term was first used in 2002 by Simon Anholt [1], although there are earlier references to ‘place marketing,’ in the work of, inter alia, Philip Kotler, [2] Gold and Ward [3], Avraham and Ketter [4] Seppo Rainisto [5], and others.

The term “place branding” could refer to a city, country or a tourist destination, and to their competition for tourists, visitors, investors, residents and other resources. Place branding is based on a strategic approach to public relations, stating that a change of image is an ongoing, holistic, interactive and wide-scale process, requiring much more than a quick change of logo or slogan [6] [7].

In other words, brand management for a city, country or a tourist destination does not merely consist of attaching new labels, but consolidates the essential characteristics of the individual identity into a brand core [8]. As part of this holistic process, the creation of a brand sets social, economical and cultural processes in motion which can nuance, strengthen or correct others’ perceptions. The routine development of mechanisms leading to a strong and consistent brand is highly important for place branding. [9] Development of this type does not merely promote a core message, a logo or a claim to the public but additionally communicates the place brand on a long-term basis using a consistent communication concept. [10] [11]

The struggle for attention and preference is not limited to the contest between countries and cities; even within cities there is a fierce competition between city centers vs. neighborhoods, big box retailers vs. main streets, shopping malls vs. traditional down towns. This heightened competitive environment makes it important for places, no matter their size or composition, to clearly differentiate themselves and to convey why they are relevant and valued options. In 2005, the International Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus published a book on the subject called “Destination BrandScience,” co-written by a destination marketing veteran, Gary C. Sherwin, emphasizing that brand development was not a logo or tag line, but instead a commitment to a community-wide strategy on what distiguished the community from others, as well as a community-wide effort to effectively communicate and create that unique destination experience to the customer. Rather than being advertising-based, this brand effort focused on delivering an exceptional experience that was memorable and emotional

Eén gedachte over “Placemarketing & Placebranding”

  1. I want to make you aware of the Strengthening Brand America Project. It is a community of practice designed to help people involved in community economic development successfully reapply product and corporate branding principles. The objective is to help our communities become more competitive for capital investment in a new, interdependent global economy. Success will result in accelerated economic recovery.

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