Placemarketing: the Books

Placemarketing boeken

Place marketing means designing a place to satisfy the needs of its target markets. It succeeds when citizens and businesses are pleased with their community, and the expectations of visitors and investors are met (Kotler et al. 2002a: 183).

AAKER, D.: Building Strong Brands. New York 1996
ANHOLT, S.: Competitive Identity. The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions.
London 2006
ANHOLT, S. & J. HILDRETH: Brand America. The Mother of All Brands. London 2004
KOTLER, P.: Marketing Places. New York 1993
KOTLER, P., S. JATUSRIPITAK & S. MAESINCEE: The Marketing of Nations. A Strategic Approach to
Building Nation Wealth. New York 1997
MEFFERT H., C. BURMANN, M. KOERS: Markenmanagement. Wiesbaden 2005
MORGAN, N., A. PRITCHARD & R. PRIDE: Destination Branding.
Creating the Unique Destination Proposition. 2. Aufl., London 2004
OLINS, W.: The New Guide to Identity. How to Create and Sustain Change Through Managing
Identity. Hampshire 1995
RAINISTO, S. K. Success Factors of Place Marketing: A Study of Place Marketing Practices in
Northern Europe and the United States. Espoo 2003
VAN GELDER, S.: Global Brand Strategy. London 2003

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